Hi Friends.png

I'm Ashley, a thirty-something, wellness enthusiast turned finance geek (who loves saving money), living in Portland, Oregon with my husband Colton, our kids, and our cat Jericho.

I'm just your average mama sharing about what it is like to be Mrs. Groves and I'm so glad you're following along! I hope you'll grab a cup of coffee and stay a while!

XO, Ashley Groves.png
Noah's 18 Month Update

Noah's 18 Month Update


A year and a half already? Where has the time gone? Your hair is so much longer than when you were one years old; you almost need a haircut. ;) All four of your molars popped through on 11/27 and you weigh around 22 pounds. You have a sweater that says “Daddy’s Little Mini” and that couldn’t be more true. Every day you look more and more like your Daddy.

Your language has exploded after you finished your 10th leap (late December). You are now signing (buy-buy, prayer hands, milk) and getting so much better at saying words.

Our favorite words you now say include:

  • “GO, GO, GO,” as you zoom around the house with your walker (or the diaper pail).

  • “Kitty cat” and “Jer-cho”

  • “Ho, ho, ho”

  • “Woah”

  • “Wa wa” = water

  • “Cheese” when smiling for the camera.

  • “Dinosaur”

  • “Utah”

Mealtimes have become interesting as you’ll whine a lot to tell us what foods you want to eat. We are really trying to focus on teaching you the sign for “more” and “please,” so that you can better communicate your needs. You’ve started developing preferences for certain foods. We have to put things out of sight so you can’t see and remember you wanted it. Food throwing is our current battle, so hopefully you’ll learn quickly that throwing food = all done. It’s a work in progress.

You’ve basically weaned yourself from nursing, which is so bittersweet. I wasn’t quite ready to be finished, but you were becoming less and less interested. It means we have a little bit more time in the mornings to eat breakfast and get ready, which has been really nice.

You know what food items or toys you want and will make noise until you get said items; You know where your eyes and ears are; and you love to stand up in front of me and then crawl in my lap, which I love too. On 11/1. you took about 10 steps to try to get a favorite toy (the pretend Keurig coffee maker). By the end of November you were walking everywhere!

You love the Tupperware shape toy. Although you can’t put the shapes in the correct holes, if I line it up, you can push them in. If you’re not zooming around the house with your walker, you can be found on the tower step stool turning the lights on and off. You learned so quickly how to get on and off the tower and we are so impressed. You are obsessed with throwing the cat toy balls: ready, set, THROW!

You love putting blocks or puzzle pieces in a container and then dumping them out. You’ll do this 10+ times. You also really enjoy making towers with the magna-tiles.

Every few nights (early November) you wake up crying. Sometimes you put yourself back to sleep and others you need some help from us. This was still happening occasionally around Christmas, and one night you were up for almost two hours. I think this is maybe a sleep regression, but even then it hasn’t been bad. We’ve been so extremely blessed that you haven’t had any noticeable sleep regressions in the past year. You truly bring us rest.

We’ve heard that one of the most beneficial things we can do for our kids is give them one-on-one quality time. We implemented what we call: Special Mommy time and Special Daddy time. To kick-off the bedtime routine, we each take one kid and spend quality time for 10 minutes. This ensures that we are investing in yours and Sophia’s lives every single day, no matter how busy the rest of the day gets. You don’t really appreciate this yet, but Sophia looks forward to it.

Around the 15 month milestone I noticed a stark difference in you being a baby who can do no wrong and a little toddler who needs some gentle correction. We are starting to teach you to not throw your food or toys and that the Christmas tree outlet is not a toy. I definitely feel more prepared this go-around, having done this once before. Hopefully all of discipline will be easier going forward, now that I somewhat know what I’m doing.

While we don’t have any formal chores for you at this age, it’s become our thing to unload the dishwasher together. You’ll hand me all the silverware, one at a time, and I put them away. Occasionally, you’ll hand me a plate or bowl. Once in a while, you help me with the laundry. You’re getting really good at taking the clothes out of the dryer, which actually saves me from having to bend over and do it.

Grandma Karen came for a quick visit during her fall break. She is always so surprised how much you and Sophia change in just a few months. Next time she sees you, you’ll be fully walking. While Daddy and I worked, Grandma got to babysit and enjoy lots of sleepy snuggles. We went to a fun restaurant, called Slappy Cakes, where each table has a griddle in the middle to cook your own pancakes. We made shapes and letters and of course added sprinkles. So fun!

Grammy’s long-time friend, Nancy, was in town and stopped by for a visit. It was so fun for her to get to meet you and Sophia, since the last time I saw her was in 2018; pre-kids!

Grammy Penny came for a long visit and enjoyed lots of play time with you while Daddy and I worked. Grammy took you and Sophia each to the park individually; and on Veteran’s Day, we went shopping, out to lunch, and then braved Costco.

Normally, Colton is a Christmas-tree-after-Thanksgiving-guy, but this year he made an exception since Grammy was here. We strung new lights (ours had all burnt out), listened to Christmas music, and hung some special ornaments. You love trying to put the ornaments on the branches.

We celebrated our 2nd annual Friendsgiving with our friend group and Grammy got to attend. It is so fun watching our kids grow up together.

Right before Thanksgiving, Sophia got pink eye and then I got pink eye. This then became a cold for me and as soon as I was getting better, I took a turn and got worse again. After 2.5 weeks of being sick, I finally went to urgent care to get some antibiotics. The doctor didn’t think I’d need them, but they kicked my sickness so quickly. Since we were sick for thanksgiving, we had to cancel our plans with our friends. They were sweet enough to stop by so we could exchange some food.

December 2nd, we celebrated Christmas with the four of us. We ate a yummy breakfast of cinnamon rolls and sausage, opened stockings, and opened presents.

Last, but certainly not least, Grandpa Danny visited early December and was able to see both of Sophia’s Christmas programs (school and church). For the first time, we went to the Portland International Raceway drive-through lights. Sophia got to sit in the front seat with me and drink hot chocolate. You were able to see some of the lights from your car seat.

Sophia flew home with Grandpa Danny for some special time and to surprise Grandma Karen. We travelled to Utah a few days later and barely made it on the flight. We got to the ticket counter when our plane started boarding. Then they told us it was too late to check our bags. Next, they had Noah listed as a lap child on both our tickets. When all that was resolved, we found our gate, which was the first one in our area and found out that when they removed Noah from my ticket, it also deleted my ticket. Colton's dad quickly rebooked me and we made it to our seats 5 minutes before takeoff. Thank you God we got on.

You were pretty wiggly on the plane and definitely tired, but too excited to sleep. Your favorite part of the plane ride was when we were almost landing. You spent about 20 minutes with your forehead pressed against the window looking at all the city lights.

We spent the first night in with Grandma and Grandpa Groves and the next day drove to see Grammy and Grandpa Kittelsrud. While in Ephraim, Grammy took you and Sophia to the church nursery almost every day so Daddy and I could work and you two could play with all the toys. We went to Payson’s birthday party; celebrated the Kittelsrud’s Christmas; played at the park and library; ate food and bowled at Grammy’s work party; and made Graham cracker houses with Tristen’s family.

After a week with Grammy and Grandpa Kittelsrud, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa Groves’s home to celebrate Christmas the the remainder of our stay. Some of our favorite moments were Sophia riding on the Scheel’s Ferris Wheel; meeting Great Grandma Barbara and your cousin Rainy; seeing Christmas lights; celebrating Christmas; visiting the Dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum; hanging with friends; and SNOW!

For New Year’s Eve, you and Sophia stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa while Daddy and I went to Boise, ID for a wedding. It was so nice having a mini vacation, but we sure missed you and Sophia.

Before we left, we made sure to have a little family birthday party for Sophia, who is turning 4! HOW?! Time really needs to slow down. We had the best time in Utah, but are looking forward to getting back into our normal routine. Sunday (1/7), we flew back to Oregon and had a great first week back. The second week back was quite an adventure. Portland got snow and then freezing rain. This resulted in school / daycare being closed for the week; icy roads so we didn’t drive anywhere; and a power outage. Life is always an adventure, but you and Sophia make it so much fun.

We are enjoying the present moments but also looking forward to what is to come in the next few months. We love you Noah Bear!


Mom and Dad

Noah's 21 Month Update

Noah's 21 Month Update

Sophia's 4 Year Update

Sophia's 4 Year Update