Noah’s Birth Story
The story of your birth all started when I broke the kitchen faucet sprayer. Shortly before you were born, I was using the kitchen sprayer. The whole faucet is old and gross and is falling apart, but still useable. As I was trying to put the sprayer cord back in the hole, I was getting frustrated and pushed it down a little harder than I should have. Part of it broke and made it so the sprayer wouldn’t stay up, it would just fall through the hole. I’ll come back to this shortly, but for now, I’m going to switch gears and share more about the pre-birth symptoms.
When thinking about what I wanted for Sophia’s birth, my preferences aligned more with midwives and a birthing center, but since it was my first birth, we decided to deliver at a hospital, just in case. Sophia’s birth ended up being the opposite of what I was hoping for. Not progressing “fast enough” lead to Pitocin, which led to the epidural, and so forth. I’m so grateful she arrived healthy and happy, but I knew I wanted to do things differently the next time around. For your birth, I chose to deliver at a birthing center with Midwives. They we amazing (no Covid testing or masks!) and I was able to have the birth I so desperately wanted.
Grandma Karen arrived on July 4th for an extended visit. Grammy Penny was here when Sophia was born so we thought it would be special for Grandma Karen to be here when you were born. Grandpa Danny would arrive later to take care of Sophia while you made your grand entrance. The morning Grandma Karen arrived, I remember feeling some sensations in my belly. They weren’t painful, but definitely noticeable. I was so hopeful that this would turn into labor, but I didn’t want to make a big deal about it in case it wasn’t. I was very ready to not be pregnant anymore and couldn’t wait to meet you. The evening came and the Braxton Hicks went away, and I had to accept that you weren’t coming just yet. Over the next two weeks, my bowel movements became looser, my mucus plug was coming out, and lightening crotch was making an appearance.
We continued on with normal life, and every day I kept hoping that this day would be the day you would arrive. Grandpa Danny flew in around July 10th and while we were waiting for your arrival, we ate yummy food (Baskin Robbins and Pine State Biscuits); went on lots of walks; played at the park; made freezer meals; explored OMSI; and played with Sophia in her little pool.
On 7/18, Daddy and Grandpa Danny started working on replacing our kitchen faucet. As a precaution, they wanted to make sure they knew where the shut off valve was in case they had to quickly turn off the water. When they found it, it was dark outside and they couldn’t get it fully shut off, so they turned it back on and made the decision to resume the project tomorrow.
On 7/19, I began feeling a tightening sensation, at 8 PM, while we were watching a movie. I thought these could be contractions, but didn’t want to get my hopes up as I was having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions the past few weeks. We finished the movie and I went in my room to read before going to bed. Meanwhile, Daddy and Grandpa Danny continued to work on the faucet. They took the old one out and were having a difficult time getting the new one installed. Grandpa Danny suggested they keep working and finish it, but Daddy vetoed that and wanted to call it a night.
Daddy came to bed around 1 AM, after the faucet fiasco, but I wasn’t able to fall back asleep after sleeping from 12-1 AM. I started timing my contractions and they ranged from 4-6 minutes apart, but were lasting less than a minute. I was pretty sure all systems were a go! At 1:42 I texted my midwife, Megan, and let her know I might be in labor. She suggested trying to go back to sleep until they picked up in intensity and frequency. A few minutes later (1:50 AM), my water broke. I was in bed and frantically woke Daddy up (poor guy had barely fallen asleep). As he was getting me some towels, more gushed out at 2:04 AM. With Sophia, my water didn’t fully break, so I only experienced what felt like pee. This time, it was the real deal. I’m thankful I bought a mattress protector a few months prior.
I called Megan and we decided I should try and rest for the next hour and then reevaluate. Around 3 AM, my contractions were becoming more intense so we made a plan to meet at the Birthing Center, Andaluz, at 4:30 AM. While laboring at home, I was on the exercise ball and Daddy was gathering all of our things. Whenever a contraction came on, I would call for Daddy to come and help me. The ball seemed to help, but Daddy was the best comfort. Grandma Karen was busy making sandwiches for us to take, Grandpa Danny was cheering me on, and Sophia and Jericho were sound asleep.
One last photo of being pregnant, between contractions. ;)
The birthing center is about 20 minutes away from our home, so I had to suffer through a few car contractions. Those were hard, but at least the city was beautiful at that hour.
When we arrived I was taken to my preferred birthing room and Megan checked my blood pressure and baby’s heartbeat. I labored on the side of the bed for 30 minutes before deciding to utilize the warm bath tub for a while. Daddy joined me in the tub and comforted me during those hard contractions. Daddy’s poor hands probably were sore after I squeezed them so hard. Megan, and her assistant Tierra, were so great about helping me drink water and bringing me ice cold rags to place on my neck.
I don’t remember what time it was, but at some point, I asked for the Nitric Oxide gas to take the edge off the contractions. I didn’t feel like this was helping in the moment, but looking back, it definitely helped me not scream as much. When Daddy and I took a birthing class before we had Sophia, the instructor encouraged the couples to come up with a safe word for when we wanted an epidural. Ours was “cotton candy” and I definitely felt like I needed one during this labor. I told everyone in the room that I wanted the epidural and that we had to go to the hospital right now. Megan kept reminding me that this is the birth I wanted and that I should try a little bit longer and at 8:00 we could reassess, I countered with 7:30, and we met in the middle at 7:45 AM.
I Moved to the bed around 6:45 AM for a cervical exam and I was 8 cm dilated and 100% effaced. Megan then suggested sitting on the toilet backwards and after a few contractions it felt like (what I like to call it) “The Ring of Fire.” I was almost certain that your head was going to come out any minute, but Megan seemed to think I still had a little ways to go. As I was getting back in the bath tub around 7:15 AM, Grandma Karen said she saw the top of your head. Sure enough, I then felt like I needed to push and after 2 pushes, Daddy guided you out and you was born at 7:40 AM. I wouldn’t have made it to the hospital in time. I remember feeling such immense relief that the pain was over and our sweet little boy had arrived safely. At some point during the labor, we made guesses on when you would arrive. Colton: 7:17 AM; Karen: 6:30 AM; and me 7:45 AM.
Noah (in Hebrew means “rest”) Parker Groves; 7 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long.
After getting out of the bath tub I felt my organs falling back down, which is such a weird feeling. I then experienced the uncontrollable shaking and shivering feelings, which is due to hormonal changes. I don’t remember feeling this after delivering Sophia, but I must have. When the midwife examined me, I had a very small first degree tear, so she gave me the choice of having one stitch or staying in bed for a week and keeping my legs closed to promote healing; I chose the latter.
As we were getting acquainted with you, we were given a delicious smoothie and homemade breakfast. Grandma Karen snuggled you while daddy and I got some sleep. When we woke, Tierra made a sitz bath for me to soak in before Grandpa Danny brought Sophia over to meet her new brother.
As expected, Sophia adored you and couldn’t get enough of you. We shared lots of snuggles, ordered some takeout Chinese, and then packed up and went home. Grandma and Grandpa Groves stayed for a few more days and then Grammy Penny came to love on you (and Grandpa Jim came in September).
As we settled into our routine as a family of 4, we wondered how we ever lived without you. You are the perfect addition to our family. In between feedings, sleeping, and cuddling, the faucet did eventually get installed; and then I broke our bathroom vanity, but that’s a story for another day.
It was a beautiful birth and exactly what I wanted. Thank you Jesus.
P.S. I thought it would be fun to do some comparison photos to see who you look like.
Noah Parker Groves | 2022
Sophia Mae Groves | 2020
Left is Colton and right is Noah.
Top is Noah, bottom left is Colton, and bottom right is Ashley.