Hi Friends.png

I'm Ashley, a thirty-something, wellness enthusiast turned finance geek (who loves saving money), living in Portland, Oregon with my husband Colton, our kids, and our cat Jericho.

I'm just your average mama sharing about what it is like to be Mrs. Groves and I'm so glad you're following along! I hope you'll grab a cup of coffee and stay a while!

XO, Ashley Groves.png
Noah’s 6 Month Update

Noah’s 6 Month Update

Noah Man,

You continue to bring so much light and joy to our lives. God sure knew that we needed you as a part of our family. You’re around 15 pounds and getting chunkier every day. At your 4-month check-up, your pediatrician mentioned that your hip creases weren’t symmetrical, which I think can be a possible sign of some hip alignment problems. At your 6-month check-up, she saw slight progress, but not a lot. Only time will tell, but we are praying that there is no issue as you continue to grow. For now, we’re enjoying those asymmetrical chunky thighs.

Dec 21st, you started the 5th leap. All of a sudden you were more fussy than normal and Colton asked if you were going through a leap, and sure enough, you just started that day. This leap lasts almost a month and had lots of fruit to show for it.

You’re getting better at rolling over and are even able to reach your hand out and grab a toy while on your belly. It's fun seeing which toys you're more motivated by. You're not quite sitting up unassisted, but you're so close. You've found your feet and can easily reach them. You are constantly scratching the different textures around you and making higher pitched shrieks, to the point where I often have to mute my microphone while on work calls.

A big change from leap 5 is that you're now very aware when your dad or I leave the room. You will be completely content being held by someone else, but will start to cry if we pass by and leave. It's both sweet and sad; at only 6 months, we are so connected and attached, but so sad that you don't yet realize we always come back.

You were starting to have a difficult time going to sleep at nap time and waking more at nighttime. I finally realized that we needed to extend your wake times and this helped so much. You're able to stay awake for 2 hours after first waking up and around 2.5 hours the rest of the day.

Since your sleep had kind of derailed while we were all sick and then traveling, we decided to start sleep training you while in Utah. I figured If you were getting up multiple times a night anyways, I might as well start training you and hopefully get all of our sleep in a better place. The first few nights you were up only once or twice and we had to pop in several times. After that, and when we got back go Oregon you were sleeping all night. When you do wake up, you fuss for a minute and easily settle yourself back to sleep. January 7th, I started weaning you from our 10 pm feeding. That night I fed you for 10 minutes, the next night, 7, the next 3, and then we were done. It was so much easier than I expected it to be.

I think you are teething as you've been constantly sucking on your fingers. Despite having other teething toys, your fingers are so convenient. Its kind of sad because they get so red from being in your mouth.

This month we started letting you try more foods: cucumber, peppers, avocado, yogurt, oatmeal, bagel, pineapple, Alfredo sauce, a quesadilla, plus more. Obviously you’re not really eating them, but you’re exploring different flavors and textures. So far, you love food so much that you will cry for a few minutes when I take it away. We have noticed thicker and stinkier poops, so apparently you’re getting more than we think. I forgot how hard it is to work with a baby around, but you love sitting in your high chair next to me, munching on your food.

We were still in Utah for a good portion of this month and we had so much fun! After spending almost a week at Grammy and Grandpa Kittelsrud’s house, we went back to Grandma and Grandpa Groves’ for Christmas, New Years, and an early birthday celebration for Sophia.

Saturday, December 24th.

We hung around the house until the late afternoon when we attending Christmas Eve service at church. When it was time to leave, Sophia was stuffing toys under her dress because she wanted to take them home, hehe. After church we ate dinner and the kids opened up their Christmas Jammies.

Sunday, December 25th

Christmas Day, we let Sophia open a few gifts before Shelby and Austin arrived. She chose the two unopened presents and was completely content to not open any more. When Shelby and Austin arrived, we ate corn meal mush, opened more gifts, and lounged around the house before GMA and GPA Kittelsrud, Nancy, and Taylor arrived for Christmas dinner. You and Sophia were spoiled by all. Some of our favorite gifts you received were new clothes and teething toys.

Monday, December 26th

The day after Christmas you met your great Uncle Ron for the first time and that evening we went to the Thanksgiving Point Luminara lights. We were all cold by the end of it, but it was so pretty!

Tuesday, December 27th - Saturday, December 31st

The next few days were spent making a snowman with all the new snowfall; drinking hot cocoa; making juice popsicles for Sophia; watching movies (specifically, Peter Rabbit 2, which was so cute!); playing night night and hide-and-seek with Sophia (two of her favorite games); spending time with Auntie Shelby; and showing you and Sophia Pirate O’s.

Sunday, January 1st - Wednesday, January 4th

We made sure to celebrate Sophia's 3rd birthday before leaving, and it was the theme of her favorite show: Cocomelon. We will celebrate her birthday again in Oregon with our friends, and again it will be Cocomelon themed.

A few months ago we found out something was wrong with our car and it was going to cost more to fix it than the car is worth. We’ve been casually looking and actually found the exact car we wanted in Utah, bought it, and ended up driving it back to Oregon. It was a long day, but you and Sophia did so well. It went much better than expected. My favorite parts of the car are the heated front seats, the third row of seats, and that the middle and third row have their own heat vents, with the third row having its own controls. So so nice. Thank you Lord for providing the right vehicle and the money to purchase it.

Since being home, we took you to the swimming pool for the first time and you were conked out by the end of it. Sophia and I also did our annual visit for the research study we are participating in. You got to tag along and were enamored with this baby doll.

This month I went back to working 30 hours and that first week was rough. You and I are slowly figuring out our new routine. I sure love having you home with me, despite it being challenging.

Sophia is growing in her role as “Big Sis”. She loves playing with you and is very excited for when she will be able to play princess dress-up with you. I hope you’re ready for that. :P

When she hears you crying from the other room she will say “I’m coming Noah” or “It’s okay baby, your sissy is here.” She is the best little mommy. She always wants to hold you in her lap and for you to sit next to her on the couch when she watches a TV show. She gives you your toys to play with and even shares her things. It is so sweet seeing your relationship with each other grow and develop as you both get older. We love you Noah Bear!


Mom and Dad.

Noah's 7 Month Update

Noah's 7 Month Update

Noah's 5 Month Update

Noah's 5 Month Update