Sophia's 11 Month Update
It isn’t an official weigh in, but when I weighed you on an at-home scale, you weighed a whopping 19 pounds! Way to go!
Now that you have teeth on both the top and bottom, you’re grinding them together nonstop. It makes us cringe every time we hear it, but we think it is just a normal part of your development. You also make a “sssssss” sound by blowing air through your teeth. I can’t even begin imagine what is going through your mind when these new things pop up. Having some top and bottom teeth, sure does make a difference in how much you’re able to eat; mealtimes take about half the time that they used to!. You’re continuing to learn how to chew different foods and are becoming really good at drinking water by yourself. This month you tried tuna fish, mushrooms, pork chops, salmon, and cow’s milk. As with everything else, you loved it all. I’m still waiting to see when you’ll start decreasing your milk feedings, since you’re eating more and more solid food. I love having that “built-in” mommy and baby time, but I’m also excited for you to become more independent. You’ve learned exactly where the milk is and how to get it as you’ll lift up or pull down my shirt and try to get access.
You are developing some preferences for certain foods. For example, if we feed you oatmeal and bananas together, you’ll eat the bananas first and only maybe eat the oatmeal. Also, when we give you mixed vegetables, you’ll eat the peas and green beans first and then work on the carrots and corn. We are learning to be strategic when feeding you, such as giving you fruit last, since it is super sweet, and serving your vegetables first before other more enticing foods.
We are continuously trying to be intentional about spending time with our friends, especially during this pandemic. We believe that community with others is so important, during these trying times, especially for you, Sophia. We had the Thompson’s over for a fall family sing-along and the Nazarchuck’s over for “church-at-home.” Sophia is finally at the age where she somewhat wants to play with other babies/kids.
The biggest update this month is that we are in Utah to celebrate the holidays. We packed up everything, but the kitchen sink (kidding, but it felt like it), and flew to Salt Lake on November 18th. We are so thankful that we were able to fly standby with no hiccups; cat and baby in tow. This was the first time in my life that I’ve had to pay for one of those luggage carts, ha!
You did great on the airplane, despite not having your normal naps. You even fell asleep in daddy’s arms and it was the cutest thing!
We spent the first week of our Utah trip with Grandma and Grandpa Groves (and Great Grandma Barbara too). We did lots of shopping, played games, and spent hours working on a puzzle. You’re having fun exploring a huge house and are learning how to safely go up and down the stairs.
Our first week in Utah we were able to see our friends Kaitlyn and Michael (and their kiddos). Daddy and Michael have been friends since elementary school, and mommy and Kaitlyn became friends when your daddy and I started dating, over 8 years ago. It has been fun going through the different life stages (marriage, kids, etc.) with them. They currently live in New Mexico, so I’m glad meeting up worked out. I”m just bummed we didn’t get a photo together. :(
You started off your very first Thanksgiving bouncing till you dropped…literally :P
As a Metcalf/Groves holiday tradition, we ate cornmeal mush for breakfast with bloody marys. For dinner you thoroughly enjoyed eating turkey, stuffing, a piece of a roll, and brussel sprouts. Next year you can have the pie. ;) We had a wonderful time celebrating with all of our family; grandparents, cousins, aunts, one uncle, the whole shabang!
The day after Thanksgiving, we took a little road trip down to Grandma and Grandpa Kittelsrud’s house for our second Utah week. While there, we saw Aunt Tristen and Uncle Enoch (and their kiddos); played cards with Debbie; played at the park; walked around the neighborhood; and snuggled with the doggies.
Mommy was able to have a dinner date with her best friend Tristen. What a treat! Your daddy and I were also lucky enough to have two dates in one day; we walked to Solid Rock Cafe for coffee and a bagel sandwich and ate Malt Shop burgers and shakes for dinner. We had to eat in our car at the park because of silly covid, but we made the best of it.
You met your Great Uncle Ron for the first time and it was so sweet seeing you together. We didn’t get nearly enough time with him, but will hopefully see him again soon.
We took you to your first light parade and you loved it. All the lights and the music made you so very excited. The Ephraim Church of the Bible float was the best float in the parade They shared “The Good News” with about 500 people by passing out a fun newspaper, creatively written from the time period of Jesus’ birth.
What Christmas carol is sung in the desert?
-O Camel Ye Faithful.
What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging in a hotel lobby?
-Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.
We love being able to see and experience the world through your eyes.
Motherhood has been very challenging for me physically. Between working AND watching you and the constant picking you up and carrying you, my body is fatigued and I’ve developed persistent back pain. This trip provided some of the rest that I so desperately needed. Having help from grandparents was the best gift I could have ever received (aside from you, of course). They helped by playing with you while we worked, bathing you, changing diapers, and cleaning up after mealtimes. I am so so grateful for all of their extra help.
You still love playing peek-a-book, so much so that you’ll cover your own face up and make us look for you. Now you’re not only just pulling yourself up on everything, you’re learning how to move sideways while holding onto something. We think you’ll start walking when we are in Utah as you want to be standing all the time! Your favorite activity at Grammy Penny’s house is to open the drawers and pull everything out; opening and closing doors; and unloading the silverware from the dishwasher. You’re such a good helper! Grammy Penny has been getting you to giggle so much. It is the main thing that keeps me positive when I’m having a rough day.
Mommy and Daddy are still exercising together 2-3 times a week and you love to join in by trying to move the dumbbells across the floor. You’ve started dancing whenever there is music on; standing up or sitting down, you like moving your hips. Our hard work with sign language is starting to pay off! You learned how to ask for milk by signing with both hands and moving your lips like you’re sucking on something. This gives me hope for the other signs that we are trying to teach you.
Unfortunately, while we were in Ephraim, we found out that we were exposed to Covid, so we were quarantined here for another week or so. It is hard not being able to go back and see your other grandparents or our cat, but we are so very thankful that if we have to be quarantined, we are doing it with some of our family.
While quarantined, we spent many hours working on daddy’s work gingerbread house competition and are hoping to win a prize! We re-created the iconic Powell’s Bookstore, complete with each colored room.
As with all things in parenthood, we never know what is exactly wrong; is it teething? a sleep regression? a developmental leap? We are constantly trying to make an educated guess, but I feel like there is never any complete certainty. I’m not sure if there is such a thing as a 10-11 month sleep regression, but if there is, that is my best guess on what you’re experiencing. The first two weeks of our trip you were waking up multiple times in the night and resisting your naps (so many sad tears). This took a huge emotional toll on me as I still have to function during the day, regardless of how many hours of sleep I get. I (kind of) joked with your daddy that this is giving me flashbacks to when you were first born, except a little bit worse. You are such a great sleeper the majority of the time so seeing you experience this regression is completely new for me I’m definitely thanking God more for all the good sleep we have gotten. I think you’re on the upswing of this sleep regression as you only occasionally wake up during the night and it is much easier to put you down for your naps.
You’ve also been extra clingy lately, always wanting me right next to you. Regardless of who you are with prior to my arrival, once you see me or hear my voice, you immediately want me and no one else. Sometimes I get irritated that I can’t even get up for a second, but then I remind myself of how much you love me and that you won’t always act this way. I know there will come a day when I am missing your clinginess and cuddles.
The verse that I’ve been meditating on lately is 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. As much as I want to be able to manage everything on my own and run a successful household without needing additional help, I can’t. This verse reminds me that I don’t have to do it all on my own. With my weakness, I can access God’s grace and strength and His power will be shown through me. Moving forward, I am going to try and appreciate the hardships and obstacles that I encounter, knowing that others will more likely encounter Jesus through me, because my pride is not standing in the way.
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
Sophia girl, we cannot believe that you will be one year old next month. Although this month has been challenging for all of us, you are such a joy to be around and you get sweeter every single day. We love being your parents.
Mom and Dad